REACH is the fall theme at Venture Church. It is an exciting sermon series from Acts 8-12, but it is also much more!

In Acts 8-12, the early Church begins to REACH beyond Jerusalem. It is the first time we read of individuals coming to Christ. The gospel spreads to Samaria, an Ethiopian, a Church-persecuting Pharisee, and a Gentile. The Church is bigger than Jerusalem, and it’s not just for Jews. In other words, the Church extends its REACH in these chapters.

At Venture, we hope to extend our REACH this fall as well. We will encourage everyone to REACH out to others by sharing life together in a Life Group for the seven-week study. We want to REACH out and invite friends to Friend Sunday (October 1). We will REACH to the nearby Sundance Community with a Block Party in early November.

This fall season will be an exciting time to REACH out as we study Acts 8-12 together. Join us at Venture soon!

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