Elder Selection FAQ’s

Venture Church practices a congregational form of government. The congregation entrusts most of the decisions to an elected group of men who serve as elders in the church. Members of Venture vote each year to affirm new elders and approve the budget at our Annual Meeting in June. Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions about elder selection at Venture:

Who can serve as an elder at Venture? Elders are godly men at Venture who fit the qualifications of elders given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Elders must be members in good standing at Venture Church. Typically, elders are already involved in ministry leadership at Venture.

Why do we only nominate men as elders? In the New Testament, the church was profoundly empowering to women, who served and led a variety of ministries in ways that were counter-cultural in the first century. The passages regarding elder qualifications, however, are written in distinctively male language. Because of this, we believe that everyone should be actively involved in ministry within the church, but the Elder Board should consist of godly men committed to serving the needs of Venture Church.

Are pastors part of the Elder Board? The lead pastors of Venture are members of the Elder Board. In our present context, Rob Peterson and Mark Brown are considered lead pastors and are part of the Elder Board. As we continue to grow, future pastoral staff may not be considered lead pastors. By our constitution, elders coming from the congregation must always outnumber pastors serving as elders.

How long do elders serve? Each elder commits to a three year term. At the end of the three years, he has the option of continuing for an additional three years if his leadership is affirmed by the congregation. After the second term, he must step down from the Elder Board for at least one year.

How are elders selected? The process begins with the congregation nominating men to serve as elders. The Elder Board prayerfully considers the nominations and narrows the list if necessary. Men who are interested will then attend an Elder School to learn more about elder leadership. Those who choose to continue in the process are then given a thorough questionnaire to discern the biblical qualifications. The candidate and his wife are then interviewed by a current elder. The names of elder candidates will be presented to the congregation for feedback. Finally, the elder candidate is presented at the Annual Meeting for congregational affirmation.

Who votes to affirm the elders? All members of Venture are encouraged to vote to affirm new elders and approve the annual budget at the Annual Meeting in June. Everyone is invited to attend the Annual Meeting, but only members of Venture have voting privileges.

How can I nominate someone to serve as elder? Elders can be nominated by using the Communication Cards on Sunday mornings, talking with a pastor or elder, or submitting a name electronically here.


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