Missions Sunday

February 28 is Missions Sunday at Venture Church. The service, beginning at 10:00 am, will include a sermon by Jonathan Shoemaker, a church planter in Lisbon, Portugal. We will also hear a report from our team that recently served in Thailand. Following the service, we will stay in the Chatigny Center for lunch and an opportunity to mingle with various missions connections. For lunch, we will serve the international Italian favorite – pizza! We will also have ministries set up to interact with. Some of these include Mexico outreaches, E3 Partners, Jonathan and Tracy Shoemaker, and the Thailand team who served with Ohana Ministries. This will be a family event, with a fun challenge for children in KidVenture as well. The lunch and interactive opportunities will last until 12:30 pm.

The theme for the Sunday is “A Task Unfinished,” highlighted by a inspiring song our team learned at the Urbana Mission Conference. It’s a strong reminder that we are called to commit our lives to sharing the gospel, both at home and around the world.

Missions Sunday will be an annual highlight at Venture. February 28 looks to be a meaningful and challenging experience. Make plans to join!