Christmas Letter from Pastor Rob

Dear Venture Family,

This is the season in which we are reminded of the greatest blessing ever given when God sent his Son, Jesus to the earth to carry out the greatest rescue in all of history—the gracious, merciful redemption of sinful humanity. Out of that gift flows every blessing we enjoy as the people of God who are his by faith in Christ.

Part of that blessing is that God has gathered us to form a community of Christ-followers known as Venture Church. I’m so grateful for what God is doing in and through Venture! On Sunday we were reminded of the many people from our church family who are, in some way, serving God in missions and outreach in the coming year, not to mention those who serve week in and week out in the ongoing ministries of the church. We firmly believe that each person has a valuable part to play in the church, and your participation is critical to our disciple-making gospel mission. We’ve been reminded in the violent and saddening events in San Bernardino just this past week how critical that mission is in light of the brokenness of our world.

Over the past year so many have given sacrificially of their resources in order to accomplish what God has called us to as a church. That means that every moment spent in service and every kind of support given is important and is used by God to transform lives for eternity and to ultimately bring more glory to him.

We have enjoyed many blessings this year: Mark Brown joining our staff, new office and ministry space, and many new families added to our body. It has been an exciting season of growth! Growth is often accompanied by additional expenses, and our current giving hasn’t kept pace with some of these expenses. As a result, we are experiencing a shortfall in our budget. We’d like to bring that into balance as soon as possible, striving to be good stewards of what God supplies through his people. God has generously provided for the needs of the ministry of Venture Church and we believe that he will continue to do so through each of us, the community of believers at Venture who are joined together in his mission.

The end of the year provides an opportunity for many of us to give financially in a special way. Many of you are taking up the challenge to ReThink Christmas, by spending less and giving more to selected outreach and missions ministries of the church. I also encourage you to pray about what added part you might play in contributing to the general fund of Venture which resources its overall ministry and mission as God has blessed you.

We’re called to be part of a great venture as God’s people. It’s also an amazing adventure when we entrust ourselves and everything we have to God’s purpose and use in his kingdom mission. There’s no greater cause on earth! Thanks for your involvement in it. God is at work and we have the most incredible privilege to be part of what he is up to in the world.

Have a blessed Christmas and a purpose-filled New Year!


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